Tuesday 18 June 2024

New Project: Bedtime Songs: Scripted Podcast/Animated Series

LOGLINE: Every bedtime, a young Indo-Canadian girl and her father talk about their days and create a song about it to settle her down for the night.

Monday 13 May 2024

Check out my Scripted Podcast Venture - PodSqod - and our YouTube page

PodSqod: A narrative podcast studio born in Canada, we are on a mission to create top-tier original IPs in spatial audio format. Co-founded by two quirky creatives, Rahul Bhatt and Christopher Sweeney, we are obsessed with entertaining various audiences (from kids to teens to adults) through engaging storytelling that’s amplified by immersive voice acting, sound and music.  

From conception to completion, we set the bar high.  

Check out our YouTube page where you can hear the pilots for our two first projects: Talking Time and Scary AF Campfire Stories, along with some trailers.

Your ears will thank you.

Saturday 20 January 2024

Spector and Spectre Podcast Pilot Script is a Top 50/Quarter Finalist!

Happy to report that the pilot script for Spector and Spectre, the scripted podcast I co-created with the lovely and talented Kimberley Ann Sparks, has been selected as a Top 50 Quarter Finalist in the Roadmap Writers Podcast Competition. Whoot! 

S&S is a supernatural co-listening mystery series. It’s always fun working with Kim - and even more fun when we get some recognition. Fingers crossed that we progress to the next level!

Wednesday 13 April 2022


Pleased to announce that Feeling Weird, a graphic novel that deals with youth mental health in the context of a entertaining story and great art (by Dave Shephard), is now available. This was a long hard journey but one that my co-writer, Sean Donaghey, and I are happy we persevered with. We're very proud of this book and believe it is one that youth will read because they actually want to. 

You can follow the link below for purchasing information.


Tuesday 17 August 2021

Sherlock@Home, my comedy webseries about a Stay-At-Home Dad turned detective launches tonight


 Excited that our comedy series is finally being unveiled. Details in poster above but you can also check out the trailer here.

Friday 5 February 2021


Male Models

Cap had it sorted.

I am often asked: “What’s it like being a cutting edge father/stay at home dad/primary caregiver to three kids?” I tell dads who are confronting solo parenting, lead parenting or just “wife has gone to Vegas for the weekend”: Do it your own way. The glory of being a male caregiver is that, since there are not many role models, it’s open for us to make up what makes a good pop.
Look at Captain Von Trap in “The Sound of Music”. Remember how Maria, the problem nun, reacts with horror at how widowed Capt. Von Trap pipes in his children for inspection? Arrayed in sailor outfits and marching in time to his piping, they assemble in a disciplined row. We are expected to mirror Maria’s shock while also being amused at this rigid operation. However, as a father who has to get kids out the door for school five days a week, I admire the good Captain.

Cap had his stuff sorted. Cool, stern but fair. His kids were well-behaved, groomed, fed and actually responded to questions when addressed by an adult. And once they did as required I bet he left them alone to live their lives as he went about his – scoring hot rich Countesses and free-thinking nuns. Many parents are too involved in their kids’ inner lives - that’s why I respect cool Captain von Trap. Also, he can whip out a guitar and sing a love song at the drop of a hat.